Brie Larson’s cosmic superhero couldn’t have asked for a better setup than Avengers: Infinity War (Caution — minor spoilers ahead, naturally). Revealed via Nick Fury’s (Samuel L. Jackson) period-inappropriate pager in the end credits, the scene showed off very little in the way of detail, save for the fact that superhuman is apparently the last and best hope for (half) of the universe, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Entertainment Weekly gave us our first real images of Larson as the good Cap’n a few weeks back, and now here we are with the first trailer. The films creators have noted the movie won’t be an origin story proper, though we do seem to have some lost memory to grapple with as we travel back in time a couple of decades prior to Infinity Wars’ events.
There’s a perfect scene setting opening shot, as the trailer opens with a ship crash landing through the top of a Blockbuster video. The sub-two-minute preview, thankfully, doesn’t lean too heavily on the era’s cliches beyond that, though we do get a few other reminders, like Fury’s reappearing hairline.
The trailer focuses pretty heavily on alter ego Carol Danvers’ time in the Air Force, along with a reluctant awakening as a superhero, with a little nudging from Fury — who we already know will need her to pay back the favor a few Infinity Stones later. We’ve also got a brief cameo from those mischief making shapeshifting Skrulls.
Plenty of time to find out more. The film hits theaters March 8, 2019.
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